Rezultate căutare pentru 'Adrian Ursu��iu'

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    90,00 LEI

    „Ce second supplément des Inscriptiones Daciae Romanae représente, tout comme le premier, une préparation à la publication des fascicules du quatrième volume des IDR, contenant les inscriptions de Dacie Porolissensis. Il comprend la grande majorité des estampilles sur briques et tuiles du Musée National d’Histoire de Transylvanie de Cluj-Napoca. Malheureusement, pour des raisons techniques, nous n’avons pas eu accès aux pièces prêtées en 1971 au Musée National d’Histoire de Roumanie de Bucarest, lors de la constitution de celui-ci1. Au fil de plusieurs années Mme Viorica Rusu Bolindeț avait apporté dans le dépôt du musée des dizaines de tuiles estampillées du prétoire du consulaire d’Apulum, mais on n’a pas pu agréer aucune solution afin de citer son manuscrit. Du point de vue scientifique la perte n’est pas grande, car il s’agit de types bien connus, publiés dans IDR III/6. En revanche, nous remercions chaleureusement Mme Adriana Isac pour nous avoir permis d’utiliser toutes les pièces provenant du camp de Gilău, dont certaines inédites. Au début de 1997 des tuiles estampillées représentatives ont été envoyées au musée de Zalău en vue d’une exposition illustrant la vie militaire dans le nord de Dacie. Elles n’ont plus été restituées. Afin d’éviter des problèmes administratifs, on les a inclues dans le premier supplément, qui contient les inscriptions sur les briques et les tuiles du musée de Zalău. Le présent volume ne représente pas moins un catalogue du musée de Cluj.” (Prooemium)

    60,00 LEI

    „The history of the Roman auxilia was for the first time closely examined by C. Cichorius. An early attempt to discuss various topics and aspects related to the place and role of the auxiliary units in the Roman army belongs to G. L. Cheesman. For the study herein, of great significance are the studies of W. Wagner and K. Kraft4, who tackle, others also the units active on the territory of Moesia Superior. J. Beneš approaches the issue of auxiliaries from the two Moesiae and the Dacian provinces, initially in a 1970-study and then in a monograph issued in 1978.

    In 1980, P. A. Holder also contributed an article to the basic reference work on the topic of Roman auxilia and their history in the Roman empire during the 1st century AD at a time when the evidence was limited (to some degree represented by military diplomas) and difficult to interpret together with our knowledge on the history auxiliary units known later to be stationed in the mentioned provinces. The special importance of the study consists in the attempt to equate the units recorded in the 1st century with those attested with certainty through 2nd century-military diplomas. The approach has been recently furthered by the publication of two overviews on the displacement of the auxiliaries under Trajan and Hadrian.” Introduction


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    Octavian Cristian Rogozea
    Discoveries Attributed to the Early Vinča Phase in Tărtăria “Gura Luncii” (Alba County). The 214 Preventive Archaeological Researches Performed on “Site 10B”

    Georgeta El Susi
    Animal Bones from the Neolithic (Szakalhat) Levels at Uivar (Timiş County)

    Victor Sava, Florin Mărginean, Adrian Ursuţiu
    The Eneolithic Cemetery in Pecica “Est” (Arad County)

    Tünde Horváth
    Budakalasz, ein besonderer Bestattungsplatz der Badener Kultur. Kritische Anmerkungen zum Buch: Maria Bondar – Pal Raczky (Red.): The Copper Age cemetery of Budakalasz

    Tobias L. Kienlin, Klára P. Fischl, Liviu Marta
    Exploring Divergent Trajectories in Bronze Age Landscapes: Tell Settlement in the Hungarian Borsod Plain and the Romanian Ier Valley

    Călin Ghemiș
    The Late Bronze Age Gold Ring Discovered in Betfia (Bihor County, Romania)

    Liliana Daniela Mateescu-Suciu
    Glass Recipients from Sarmizegetusa Regia. Unguentaria and Bottles

    Horațiu Cociș
    The Rural Landscape of the Frontier of Dacia Porolissensis. A Case Study: the Northern Sector –
    territorium Arcoba(da)rense – The Valley of River Someșul Mare

    Norbert Kapcsos
    Sarmatian graves from Pecica Site 18. Remarks upon the phenomenon of „isolated” graves from the Cris-Tisa-Mures region

    Ioan Stanciu
    On Early Medieval Roasting Trays and their Presence in the Settlements from the North-Western Part of Romania

    Călin Cosma, Adrian Bolog, Ovidiu Oargă
    Avar Graves Recently Discovered in Gambaș (Alba County) on the Spot Called “Ogoarele de jos”

    Dan Băcueț-Crișan, Gruia Fazecaș, Doru Marta
    An Early Medieval Feature Discovered in Oradea – Salca “Ghețărie” (Petrom Gas Station)

    Daniela Tănase, Gábor Bertók, Anita Kocsis, Balázs Major
    The location of Egres Cistercian monastery – Igriş (Timiș County), in the light of recent geophysical research

    Florin Mărginean, Zsolt Csók, Keve László, Victor Sava
    Unveiling History. Archaeological Excavations in the Fortress of Ineu (Arad County)

    Dorel Micle, Bogdan Alin Craiovan, Andrei Stavilă, Octavian-Cristian Rogozea
    The Times before Fischer’s Furniture Store. The Preventive Archaeological Researches in Sfântul Gheorghe Square 2–3, Timișoara (Timiş County)

    Andrea Demjén, Florin Gogâltan
    The Ciuc-Ghimeș Quarantine (18th–19th Centuries). Archaeological Researches of the Former Customs Point “Cetatea Rakoczy”





    Ondřej CHVOJKA
    Chronologie und Kulturen der südböhmischen Bronzezeit und ihre Parallelisierung zu den Donaugebieten und Karpatenbecken

    Viktória KISS–Szilvia FÁBIÁN–Tamás HAJDU–Kitti KÖHLER–Gabriella KULCSÁR–István MAJOR–Géza SZABÓ
    Contributions to the Relative and Absolute Chronology of the Early and Middle Bronze Age in Western Hungary Based on Radiocarbon Dating of Human Bones

    Marija LJUŠTINA–Katarina DMITROVIĆ
    Core vs. Periphery: Some Stratigraphical and Chronological Remarks on the Vatin Culture in Banat and Western Serbia

    Katarina DMITROVIĆ–Marija LJUŠTINA
    Metal Finds as Indicators of Relations Between the Middle Bronze Age Cultures on Western and Northern Serbia

    Florin GOGÂLTAN
    The Early and Middle Bronze Age Chronology on the Eastern Frontier of the Carpathian Basin. Revisited after 15 Years

    József PUSKÁS
    Contact Zone: Middle Bronze Age Cultural Connections in the Valley of the Black River (Covasna County, Romania)

    Neculai BOLOHAN–Alexandru GAFINCU–Iulian STOLERIU
    Middle Bronze Age Chronology East of the Carpathian Area. A Bayesian Model

    Horia CIUGUDEAN–Colin P. QUINN
    The End of the Wietenberg Culture in the Light of new 14C Dates and its Chronological Relation Towards the Noua Culture

    Rita E. NÉMETH
    The Middle Bronze Age “Mass Grave” from Voivodeni–La Şcoală. A Chronological Approach

    Tibor-Tamás DARÓCZI–Adrian URSUŢIU
    Contextualising Decorations. A Study of Placement and Context of Ornaments on Bronze Age Ceramics from the Lower Feneş Valley

    Gábor ILON
    Zeitstellung der Urnenfelderkultur (1350/1300–750/700 BC) in West-Transdanubien. Ein Versuch mittels Typochronologie und Radiokarbondaten

    Attila László
    Über die Chronologie des kulturellen Wechsels zwischen der Noua-Coslogeni Kultur und der Nachfolger- Kulturen mit kannelierter und mit ritz- und stempelverzierter Keramik in den innen- und aussenkarpatischen Gebieten. Einige Lehren der Radiokarbondatierungen

    János Gábor TARBAY
    The Reanalysis of the Eponymous Hoard from Gyermely-Szomor and the HaA2 Period in the Territory of Hungary

    Tiberius BADER
    Zur Chronologie Der Lanzenspitzen im Karpaten-Donau-Raum


    50,00 LEI
    „Una dintre consecinţele benefice în plan istoric ale Marii Uniri de la 1918 o reprezintă stimularea înfiinţării de instituţii de învăţământ, cultură ș.a. în teritoriile unite cu Țara. Transilvania a fost printre provinciile în care au luat fiinţă cele mai multe instituţii românești, între cele mai însemnate situânduse Universitatea Daciei Superioare la Cluj în anul 1919. Centenarul aniversării întemeierii universităţii românești a prilejuit publicarea unui număr mare de monografii și sinteze de autor, sau prin colaborarea mai multor specialiști, care par să fi epuizat cam tot ceea ce se putea scrie despre Alma Mater Napocensis (geneză, înfiinţare, evoluţie în timp etc.). În ciuda acestei literaturi știinţifice bogate recente dar și din deceniile trecute (menţionăm doar lucrările monumentale redactate de Vasile Pușcaș și volumele coordinate de Ioan-Aurel Pop, Simion Simon, Ioan Bolovan sau Ovidiu Ghitta) au rămas cu siguranţă subiecte încă neexplorate ori ce își așteaptă reluarea interpretativă, precum și aducerea în circuitul știinţific a unor surse inedited privind istoria universităţii, însemnări, documente și fotografii care sunt probabil răspândite în diverse arhive publice și private din ţară și străinătate. Tocmai de aceea, recuperarea și editarea critică a unor asemenea documente rămâne un obiectiv actual pentru cercetătorii interesaţi de istoria universităţii din capitala (neoficială) a Transilvaniei.” - Ioan Bolovan

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