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CONTENTSVorwortOndřej CHVOJKAChronologie und Kulturen der südböhmischen Bronzezeit und ihre Parallelisierung zu den Donaugebieten und KarpatenbeckenViktória KISS–Szilvia FÁBIÁN–Tamás HAJDU–Kitti KÖHLER–Gabriella KULCSÁR–István MAJOR–Géza SZABÓContributions to the Relative and Absolute Chronology of the Early and Middle Bronze Age in Western Hungary Based on Radiocarbon Dating of Human BonesMarija LJUŠTINA–Katarina DMITROVIĆCore vs. Periphery: Some Stratigraphical and Chronological Remarks on the Vatin Culture in Banat and Western SerbiaKatarina DMITROVIĆ–Marija LJUŠTINAMetal Finds as Indicators of Relations Between the Middle Bronze Age Cultures on Western and Northern SerbiaFlorin GOGÂLTANThe Early and Middle Bronze Age Chronology on the Eastern Frontier of the Carpathian Basin. Revisited after 15 YearsJózsef PUSKÁSContact Zone: Middle Bronze Age Cultural Connections in the Valley of the Black River (Covasna County, Romania)Neculai BOLOHAN–Alexandru GAFINCU–Iulian STOLERIUMiddle Bronze Age Chronology East of the Carpathian Area. A Bayesian ModelHoria CIUGUDEAN–Colin P. QUINNThe End of the Wietenberg Culture in the Light of new 14C Dates and its Chronological Relation Towards the Noua CultureRita E. NÉMETHThe Middle Bronze Age “Mass Grave” from Voivodeni–La Şcoală. A Chronological ApproachTibor-Tamás DARÓCZI–Adrian URSUŢIUContextualising Decorations. A Study of Placement and Context of Ornaments on Bronze Age Ceramics from the Lower Feneş ValleyGábor ILONZeitstellung der Urnenfelderkultur (1350/1300–750/700 BC) in West-Transdanubien. Ein Versuch mittels Typochronologie und RadiokarbondatenAttila LászlóÜber die Chronologie des kulturellen Wechsels zwischen der Noua-Coslogeni Kultur und der Nachfolger- Kulturen mit kannelierter und mit ritz- und stempelverzierter Keramik in den innen- und aussenkarpatischen Gebieten. Einige Lehren der RadiokarbondatierungenJános Gábor TARBAYThe Reanalysis of the Eponymous Hoard from Gyermely-Szomor and the HaA2 Period in the Territory of HungaryTiberius BADERZur Chronologie Der Lanzenspitzen im Karpaten-Donau-RaumAbbreviations