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  1. Autor: Adrian Onofreiu
  2. Autor: Cornel Tatai-Baltă
  3. Autor: Laura T. Ilea
  4. Autor: Ovidiu-Emil Iudean
  5. Autor: Petronia Popa Petrar
  6. Autor: Vlad Popovici

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    Carmen Borbély & Petronia Popa Petrar, Foreword

    I. Configurations of Posthumanist Thought

    Horea Poenar, (Another) Year Zero: The Commons in a Posthuman Age
    Rareș Moldovan, Authentes: a Shadow-Play or A Series of Observations in “Post” about Authenticity
    Călina Părău, Thinking and Constructing Moments of Split
    Attila Kovács, Anonymity and Spectral Existence in Urban Space
    Marius Conkan, Mapping Literature: Geocritical Thinking and Posthumanism
    Marie-Agnès Cathiard, De l’« imaginaïf » en prosthétique
    Cosmina Moroșan, Peace and Technology. Michel Serres

    II. Figurations of Posthuman Becoming

    Christian Moraru, Crossing the Kafka Network: Schulz, Blecher, Foer, and the Repositioning of the Human
    Giovanni Rotiroti, Subjectivations et désubjectivations post-humaines. Corps de langage et flux inconscients dans le matérialisme enchanté d’Urmuz et Gherasim Luca à partir de la pensée de Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari
    Doru Pop, Replicant Theologies of the Early Robocene or The Covenant of Procreating Replicants, Cybernetic Fertility and Divine Androids
    Alina Preda, “New Planets for Old”: A Posthumanist Ecocritical Approach to Jeanette Winterson’s Ustopia
    Ruxandra Cesereanu, Lanark and Unthank – Posthuman Elements in Alasdair Gray’s Novel
    Diana Melnic, Vlad Melnic, Shortcut to Posthumanism: Decentring Elements of the Gaming Experience
    Kwasu D. Tembo, Among Them but Not One of Them: A Xenological Exploration of the Otherness and Power of DC Comics’ Superman
    Nóra Máthé, “Are You Thor, the God of Hammers?” – Mixing the Posthuman and Old Norse Mythology in Thor: Ragnarok
    Nicolae Andrei Szilagyi, The Human in the Context of a Posthuman World
    Cristina Diamant, Archiva(b)l(e) Bodies and Cyber Afterlife in David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas
    Marius Viorel Pușcaș, From Narrative Art to Discourse. A Posthuman Approach in Firmin: Adventures of a Metropolitan Lowlife

    III. Refiguring Past Trauma, Prefiguring an Apocalyptic Future

    Corin Braga, Antiutopies apocalyptiques et posthumaines
    Andrada Danilescu, Beyond the Human: Transhumanist Negotiations and Posthuman Instantiations in Aldoux Huxley’s Brave New World and David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas
    Dana Bizuleanu, Svetlana Alexievich and Posthuman Narratives
    Anamaria Lupan, Marguerite Yourcenar et le post-humanisme
    Dana Percec, The Canadian Tempest. Margaret Atwood and Shakespeare Retold as Hag-Seed
    Aura Poenar, Necessary Monsters. Monstrous Narratives. Haunted Images of Our Time

    Book Reviews



    Laura T. Ilea, Repenser le politique à travers des imaginaires dispersés

    Imaginaire spatial et réflexion politique/Spatial Imaginary and Political Reflection

    Amaryll Chanady, The Spatial Imaginary and Literary Reflections on the Political
    Nicolas Beauclair, Vecteurs identitaires des discours autochtones : affirmation dʼune ontologie politique
    Simon Harel, La route et la loi du père (jusquʼà La route de Cormac McCarthy)
    Yoshiro Sakamoto, Ştefan Baciu, Archipelagic Poet from Romania
    Dana Bizuleanu, Exploring Diversity: The Literature of Migration
    Silviu Lupaşcu, Le Sabre et la plume à écrire. Espaces politiques, spirituels, angéliques dans le système philosophique dʼIbn Khaldun

    Éthique du commun et puissance/Ethics of the Commons and Power

    Érik Bordeleau, Exercices dʼauto-virtualisation dans lʼélément anonyme de la pensée
    Isabelle Galichon, Lʼinjonction à témoigner du « Parlement des invisibles » :Entre expression émancipatrice et représentation inachevée
    Horea Poenar, Ethics of the Commons. Art and the Dislocation of the World
    Hubert Gendron-Blais, Dimensions sonores du politique : recherche-création autour des sons des mouvements
    Ion Copoeru, La voix et la honte. De la narration impossible à la possibilité narrative
    Claudio Clivio, Emanuele Severino, Diego Fusaro et la critique de la Multitude
    Francis Douville Vigeant, Pensée politique et pacifisme chez Stefan Zweig

    Arts et politique/Art and Politics

    Ruxandra Cesereanu, Andrei Codrescu – An Anarchetypal Writer
    Laura T. Ilea, Lʼimaginaire est apolitique : Pierre ou les Taches solaires de Vlad Zografi
    Călina Părău, Remembering Images: Cinema Thinking the Century
    Cristina Eșianu Farcaș, Logiques de la jetabilité : Dépossession et voix off dans le documentaire dʼanimation Le voyage de M. Crulic
    Nicoleta Popa Blanariu, A Transdisciplinary Deconstruction of Ideology. Gnostic Alchemic Imaginary, Dialectic Materialism and Atomic Physics in Vintilă Horiaʼs Novels

    Utopies et hétérotopies /Utopia and Heterotopia

    Corin Braga, Utopies féministes modernes et rêves de parthénogenèse
    Marius Conkan, Heterotopias: Making and Remaking Imaginary Spaces
    Radu Toderici, Les allusions à lʼutopie – que nous disent-elles sur lʼhistoire du genre utopique ?

    Politique et mentalités /Politics and Mentalities

    Ştefan Borbély, The Year 1968 in Romania and Two Literary Aftershocks
    Adrian G. Matus, The Reception of the American Counterculture in Communist Romania (1960-1975). The Rebels with a Cause
    Doru Pop, Patriarchal Discourses and Anti-Feminine Attitudes in Romanian Political and Media Cultures
    Denis Fleurdorge, Les représentations du politique. De la symbolique du pouvoir au pouvoir de la symbolisation
    Jean Libis, Les arbres et la forêt ou lʼâge dʼor des gauchismes français

    Adagio: Thèses politiques/Political Theses

    Călin Andrei Mihăilescu, Theses on Political Reimagination

    Book Reviews

    55,00 LEI

    Țara Năsăudului este una dintre micro-regiunile României care s-a bucurat de o atenţie ştiinţifică aparte, nu doar din partea istoricilor, ci dinspre întregul spectru al ştiinţelor umaniste şi sociale. Bibliografiile istorice ale României au acumulat, volum de volum, numeroase titluri dedicate temei: fie cărţi, fie studii şi articole provenite atât din periodice ştiinţifice locale, cât şi din principalele reviste de istorie din centrele universitare sau din diverse volume de studii. Această valoroasă literatură ştiinţifică a devenit în timp tot mai amplă, solicitând cercetătorilor, şi mai ales cercetătorilor debutanţi, un efort consistent de documentare bibliografică.

    Organizarea şi activitatea Regimentului 17 (2 românesc) de graniţă pe teritoriul năsăudean au legat acest spaţiu de ansamblul istoriei Monarhiei habsburgice într-un mod mai intim şi pe alocuri chiar mai spectaculos decât alte regiuni locuite de români. (din „Introducere”)

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