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  1. Autor: Neculai Bolohan
  2. Autor: Victor Cojocaru
  3. Autor: Yann Le Bohec

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    Octavian Cristian Rogozea
    Discoveries Attributed to the Early Vinča Phase in Tărtăria “Gura Luncii” (Alba County). The 214 Preventive Archaeological Researches Performed on “Site 10B”

    Georgeta El Susi
    Animal Bones from the Neolithic (Szakalhat) Levels at Uivar (Timiş County)

    Victor Sava, Florin Mărginean, Adrian Ursuţiu
    The Eneolithic Cemetery in Pecica “Est” (Arad County)

    Tünde Horváth
    Budakalasz, ein besonderer Bestattungsplatz der Badener Kultur. Kritische Anmerkungen zum Buch: Maria Bondar – Pal Raczky (Red.): The Copper Age cemetery of Budakalasz

    Tobias L. Kienlin, Klára P. Fischl, Liviu Marta
    Exploring Divergent Trajectories in Bronze Age Landscapes: Tell Settlement in the Hungarian Borsod Plain and the Romanian Ier Valley

    Călin Ghemiș
    The Late Bronze Age Gold Ring Discovered in Betfia (Bihor County, Romania)

    Liliana Daniela Mateescu-Suciu
    Glass Recipients from Sarmizegetusa Regia. Unguentaria and Bottles

    Horațiu Cociș
    The Rural Landscape of the Frontier of Dacia Porolissensis. A Case Study: the Northern Sector –
    territorium Arcoba(da)rense – The Valley of River Someșul Mare

    Norbert Kapcsos
    Sarmatian graves from Pecica Site 18. Remarks upon the phenomenon of „isolated” graves from the Cris-Tisa-Mures region

    Ioan Stanciu
    On Early Medieval Roasting Trays and their Presence in the Settlements from the North-Western Part of Romania

    Călin Cosma, Adrian Bolog, Ovidiu Oargă
    Avar Graves Recently Discovered in Gambaș (Alba County) on the Spot Called “Ogoarele de jos”

    Dan Băcueț-Crișan, Gruia Fazecaș, Doru Marta
    An Early Medieval Feature Discovered in Oradea – Salca “Ghețărie” (Petrom Gas Station)

    Daniela Tănase, Gábor Bertók, Anita Kocsis, Balázs Major
    The location of Egres Cistercian monastery – Igriş (Timiș County), in the light of recent geophysical research

    Florin Mărginean, Zsolt Csók, Keve László, Victor Sava
    Unveiling History. Archaeological Excavations in the Fortress of Ineu (Arad County)

    Dorel Micle, Bogdan Alin Craiovan, Andrei Stavilă, Octavian-Cristian Rogozea
    The Times before Fischer’s Furniture Store. The Preventive Archaeological Researches in Sfântul Gheorghe Square 2–3, Timișoara (Timiş County)

    Andrea Demjén, Florin Gogâltan
    The Ciuc-Ghimeș Quarantine (18th–19th Centuries). Archaeological Researches of the Former Customs Point “Cetatea Rakoczy”


    70,00 LEI

    „Prin această traducere aducem un omagiu tuturor colegilor români; această carte publicată în limba română este în același timp o mare onoare și o mare bucurie pentru autorul ei, care mulțumește tuturor celor care au făcut posibilă apariția aceastei lucrări, iar traducătorul Cosmin Mihail Coatu merită sincere mulțumiri. (...)

    Studiul armatei romane cuprinde două părți care nu pot fi separate: armata romană a fost o instituție și în același timp un instrument de război. Predecesorii noștri din secolul al XX-lea nu au văzut decât primul aspect; cu siguranță este un aspect indispensabil, dar la fel de important este și al doilea aspect despre care trebuie să vorbim. Căci fina­litatea, rațiunea de a fi a unei armate este războiul și ținta soldatului este victoria, lucru pe care îl amintește Charles Ardant du Picq.” (din „Prefață”)

    125,00 LEI

    "The volume ‘Migration and Identity in Eurasia’ brings to the forefront two topical concepts in European historiography and beyond. In terms of the Antiquity and Early Middle Ages, emphasis lay (in recent decades) on the impact of mobility and migration in the Greek and Roman world, migration narratives, experiences and structures, migration and integration, networks, connectivity, and cultural interactions, politics of honour and civic identity in the Hellenistic and Roman world, as well as on the archaeological study of migration (concepts, methods, results, scholarly traditions and political ideology – especially in the case of those territories under political debate among various modern countries). The requested space limits impedes us to further discuss these or other aspects here, however, chronologically and geographically, the ancient times and the Middle Ages provide a wide range of approaches for the study of the ’foreigner’/’migrant’ and different patterns of inclusion and exclusion. As such, above-mentioned research aspects may also be relevant for issues surfacing, under different forms, in the current development of society, be it with reference to socio-economic, political or cultural aspects." (Excerpt from "Preface")

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