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    65,00 LEI

    Romanian nationalism has been and it still is a research topic that has generated and still generates various controversies, both at the level of the opinions of the authors who have dealt with this subject, and at the level of the interpretations that the reader can have on such a topic. And the analysis of the evolution of Romanian nationalism since 1989 is a theme that can be included in this framework of different, and sometimes even contradictory, approaches. Moreover, any analysis of post-communist Romanian nationalism may have its limitations, in terms of the authors’ approaches, and because, in general, approaches to nationalism have a certain potential for inaccuracy. The nationalist phenomenon is very complex because it refers to the people (the nation) and the country and quite often the boundary between nationalism and patriotism, for example, is quite weak. And in the Romanian case, things were even more complicated, both because the nationalism responded to a need for homogeneity existing in the post-communist Romanian society, and because the Romanian nationalism had a specific and quite complex typology.

    In this paper, we referred more to those aspects that looked at the presence of nationalism in areas such as society, culture, religion or interethnic relations. Moreover, the period chosen for the study was rather a delicate one, considering the fact that the last decade of the twentieth century was, for Romania, a period of search of the road that the country needed to straighten, after half a century of totalitarian regime. And studying nationalism in such a historical context may have different interpretations, especially since post-communist Romanian nationalism, as some Romanian authors have stated, could be considered as paradigmatic for nationalism in general, because of its subtlety and complexity. (from the „Introduction”)

    60,00 LEI

    „The history of the Roman auxilia was for the first time closely examined by C. Cichorius. An early attempt to discuss various topics and aspects related to the place and role of the auxiliary units in the Roman army belongs to G. L. Cheesman. For the study herein, of great significance are the studies of W. Wagner and K. Kraft4, who tackle, others also the units active on the territory of Moesia Superior. J. Beneš approaches the issue of auxiliaries from the two Moesiae and the Dacian provinces, initially in a 1970-study and then in a monograph issued in 1978.

    In 1980, P. A. Holder also contributed an article to the basic reference work on the topic of Roman auxilia and their history in the Roman empire during the 1st century AD at a time when the evidence was limited (to some degree represented by military diplomas) and difficult to interpret together with our knowledge on the history auxiliary units known later to be stationed in the mentioned provinces. The special importance of the study consists in the attempt to equate the units recorded in the 1st century with those attested with certainty through 2nd century-military diplomas. The approach has been recently furthered by the publication of two overviews on the displacement of the auxiliaries under Trajan and Hadrian.” Introduction

    100,00 LEI

    „Volumul Magistri et alumni, amore scribendi. Studia. In honorem professoris Nicolae Felecan este un omagiu adus profesorului băimărean, atât prin evocări, cât și prin studii științifice, elaborate de prieteni, colaboratori, oameni de litere din întreaga lume. Contributorilor care au participat și la publicarea volumului precedent (26) – Confluențe lingvistice și filologice. Omagiu profesorului Nicolae Felecan la împlinirea a 70 de ani –, li s-au alăturat, pentru a celebra, prin mijlocirea cuvântului, cei 75 de ani de viață ai sus-numitului dascăl, și alți filologi din țară și din străinătate. Printre cele 55 de personalități care au onorat invitația de colaborare la prezentul volum, se numără profesori și cercetători străini – Bertie Neethling (Africa de Sud), Ephraim Nissan (Anglia), Milan Harvalík (Cehia), Pierre-Henri Billy, Marcienne Martin, Michel A. Rateau (Franța), Enzo Caffarelli, Alfonso Germani, Alda Rossebastiano (Italia), Leo Loveday, Maho Kitamura (Japonia), Yolanda Guillermina Lopez Franco (Mexic), Sergey Goryaev (Rusia), Emili Casanova (Spania), Tamás Farkas, János N. Fodor (Ungaria) – și români, din majoritatea centrelor universitare și din institutele de cercetare ale Academiei Române: Ion Buzași (Alba Iulia), Ioan Dănilă (Bacău), Teodor Ardelean, Alina Bugheșiu, Daiana Felecan, Oliviu Felecan, Gheorghe Glodeanu, Mihaela Munteanu Siserman, Rodica Țurcanu (Baia Mare), Iulia Barbu-Comaromi, Gh. Chivu, Ioana Costa, Liviu Franga, Mariana Franga, Margareta Manu Magda, Iulia Mărgărit, Adrian Rezeanu, Adriana Stoichițoiu Ichim, Ioana Vintilă-Rădulescu (București), Dumitru Loșonți, G. G. Neamțu, Ștefan Oltean, Ilie Rad, Sabin Siserman (Cluj-Napoca), Teodor Oancă, Silvia Pitiriciu (Craiova), Traian Diaconescu, Daniela Butnaru, Alexandru Gafton, Mihaela Paraschiv (Iași), Ștefan Găitănaru (Pitești), Lazăr Avram (Ploiești), Sigrid Haldenwang (Sibiu), Adina Chirilă, Sergiu Drincu, Vasile Frățilă, Ionel Funeriu, Simona Goicu-Cealmof, Dan Negrescu (Timișoara).” (din „Cuvânt-înainte”)


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