Rezultate căutare pentru 'Adrian Ursu��iu'

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    „Cartea se adresează, în primul rând, studenţilor care se pregă¬tesc să devină asistenţi sociali, dar și specialiștilor care lucrează în diverse domenii ale asistenţei sociale, preocupaţi de calitatea muncii lor și include metodele și tehnicile fundamentale din teoria şi meto¬dologia asistenţei sociale, acestea fiind elaborate în baza lucrărilor celor mai cunoscuţi teoreticieni şi practicieni ai asistenţei sociale.” din Introducere



    Laura T. Ilea, Repenser le politique à travers des imaginaires dispersés

    Imaginaire spatial et réflexion politique/Spatial Imaginary and Political Reflection

    Amaryll Chanady, The Spatial Imaginary and Literary Reflections on the Political
    Nicolas Beauclair, Vecteurs identitaires des discours autochtones : affirmation dʼune ontologie politique
    Simon Harel, La route et la loi du père (jusquʼà La route de Cormac McCarthy)
    Yoshiro Sakamoto, Ştefan Baciu, Archipelagic Poet from Romania
    Dana Bizuleanu, Exploring Diversity: The Literature of Migration
    Silviu Lupaşcu, Le Sabre et la plume à écrire. Espaces politiques, spirituels, angéliques dans le système philosophique dʼIbn Khaldun

    Éthique du commun et puissance/Ethics of the Commons and Power

    Érik Bordeleau, Exercices dʼauto-virtualisation dans lʼélément anonyme de la pensée
    Isabelle Galichon, Lʼinjonction à témoigner du « Parlement des invisibles » :Entre expression émancipatrice et représentation inachevée
    Horea Poenar, Ethics of the Commons. Art and the Dislocation of the World
    Hubert Gendron-Blais, Dimensions sonores du politique : recherche-création autour des sons des mouvements
    Ion Copoeru, La voix et la honte. De la narration impossible à la possibilité narrative
    Claudio Clivio, Emanuele Severino, Diego Fusaro et la critique de la Multitude
    Francis Douville Vigeant, Pensée politique et pacifisme chez Stefan Zweig

    Arts et politique/Art and Politics

    Ruxandra Cesereanu, Andrei Codrescu – An Anarchetypal Writer
    Laura T. Ilea, Lʼimaginaire est apolitique : Pierre ou les Taches solaires de Vlad Zografi
    Călina Părău, Remembering Images: Cinema Thinking the Century
    Cristina Eșianu Farcaș, Logiques de la jetabilité : Dépossession et voix off dans le documentaire dʼanimation Le voyage de M. Crulic
    Nicoleta Popa Blanariu, A Transdisciplinary Deconstruction of Ideology. Gnostic Alchemic Imaginary, Dialectic Materialism and Atomic Physics in Vintilă Horiaʼs Novels

    Utopies et hétérotopies /Utopia and Heterotopia

    Corin Braga, Utopies féministes modernes et rêves de parthénogenèse
    Marius Conkan, Heterotopias: Making and Remaking Imaginary Spaces
    Radu Toderici, Les allusions à lʼutopie – que nous disent-elles sur lʼhistoire du genre utopique ?

    Politique et mentalités /Politics and Mentalities

    Ştefan Borbély, The Year 1968 in Romania and Two Literary Aftershocks
    Adrian G. Matus, The Reception of the American Counterculture in Communist Romania (1960-1975). The Rebels with a Cause
    Doru Pop, Patriarchal Discourses and Anti-Feminine Attitudes in Romanian Political and Media Cultures
    Denis Fleurdorge, Les représentations du politique. De la symbolique du pouvoir au pouvoir de la symbolisation
    Jean Libis, Les arbres et la forêt ou lʼâge dʼor des gauchismes français

    Adagio: Thèses politiques/Political Theses

    Călin Andrei Mihăilescu, Theses on Political Reimagination

    Book Reviews




    Ondřej CHVOJKA
    Chronologie und Kulturen der südböhmischen Bronzezeit und ihre Parallelisierung zu den Donaugebieten und Karpatenbecken

    Viktória KISS–Szilvia FÁBIÁN–Tamás HAJDU–Kitti KÖHLER–Gabriella KULCSÁR–István MAJOR–Géza SZABÓ
    Contributions to the Relative and Absolute Chronology of the Early and Middle Bronze Age in Western Hungary Based on Radiocarbon Dating of Human Bones

    Marija LJUŠTINA–Katarina DMITROVIĆ
    Core vs. Periphery: Some Stratigraphical and Chronological Remarks on the Vatin Culture in Banat and Western Serbia

    Katarina DMITROVIĆ–Marija LJUŠTINA
    Metal Finds as Indicators of Relations Between the Middle Bronze Age Cultures on Western and Northern Serbia

    Florin GOGÂLTAN
    The Early and Middle Bronze Age Chronology on the Eastern Frontier of the Carpathian Basin. Revisited after 15 Years

    József PUSKÁS
    Contact Zone: Middle Bronze Age Cultural Connections in the Valley of the Black River (Covasna County, Romania)

    Neculai BOLOHAN–Alexandru GAFINCU–Iulian STOLERIU
    Middle Bronze Age Chronology East of the Carpathian Area. A Bayesian Model

    Horia CIUGUDEAN–Colin P. QUINN
    The End of the Wietenberg Culture in the Light of new 14C Dates and its Chronological Relation Towards the Noua Culture

    Rita E. NÉMETH
    The Middle Bronze Age “Mass Grave” from Voivodeni–La Şcoală. A Chronological Approach

    Tibor-Tamás DARÓCZI–Adrian URSUŢIU
    Contextualising Decorations. A Study of Placement and Context of Ornaments on Bronze Age Ceramics from the Lower Feneş Valley

    Gábor ILON
    Zeitstellung der Urnenfelderkultur (1350/1300–750/700 BC) in West-Transdanubien. Ein Versuch mittels Typochronologie und Radiokarbondaten

    Attila László
    Über die Chronologie des kulturellen Wechsels zwischen der Noua-Coslogeni Kultur und der Nachfolger- Kulturen mit kannelierter und mit ritz- und stempelverzierter Keramik in den innen- und aussenkarpatischen Gebieten. Einige Lehren der Radiokarbondatierungen

    János Gábor TARBAY
    The Reanalysis of the Eponymous Hoard from Gyermely-Szomor and the HaA2 Period in the Territory of Hungary

    Tiberius BADER
    Zur Chronologie Der Lanzenspitzen im Karpaten-Donau-Raum


    65,00 LEI

    Romanian nationalism has been and it still is a research topic that has generated and still generates various controversies, both at the level of the opinions of the authors who have dealt with this subject, and at the level of the interpretations that the reader can have on such a topic. And the analysis of the evolution of Romanian nationalism since 1989 is a theme that can be included in this framework of different, and sometimes even contradictory, approaches. Moreover, any analysis of post-communist Romanian nationalism may have its limitations, in terms of the authors’ approaches, and because, in general, approaches to nationalism have a certain potential for inaccuracy. The nationalist phenomenon is very complex because it refers to the people (the nation) and the country and quite often the boundary between nationalism and patriotism, for example, is quite weak. And in the Romanian case, things were even more complicated, both because the nationalism responded to a need for homogeneity existing in the post-communist Romanian society, and because the Romanian nationalism had a specific and quite complex typology.

    In this paper, we referred more to those aspects that looked at the presence of nationalism in areas such as society, culture, religion or interethnic relations. Moreover, the period chosen for the study was rather a delicate one, considering the fact that the last decade of the twentieth century was, for Romania, a period of search of the road that the country needed to straighten, after half a century of totalitarian regime. And studying nationalism in such a historical context may have different interpretations, especially since post-communist Romanian nationalism, as some Romanian authors have stated, could be considered as paradigmatic for nationalism in general, because of its subtlety and complexity. (from the „Introduction”)

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