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  1. Autor: Felix Marcu
  2. Autor: George Valentin Bounegru
  3. Autor: Ioan Carol Opriș
  4. Autor: Ioan Oprea
  5. Autor: Ioan Pop-Curșeu
  6. Autor: Malvinka Urák

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    90,00 LEI
    „This volume was published within the framework of LIMES National Reserch Programe, sup‑ported by the Romanian Ministry of Culture and National Identity. Therefore we would like to thank our friends and colleagues Ovidiu Țentea and Felix Marcu for their support in publishing this work. Special thanks go to: Constantin Băjenaru (MINAC); Sebastian Corneanu (Lucian Blaga University in Sibiu); Mihai Duca (Bucharest); + Arch. Cătălin Georgescu (Bucharest); Iulia Iliescu (University of Bucharest); Marian Mocanu (ICEM, Tulcea); Andrei Opaiț (Toronto); Dorel Paraschiv (ICEM, Tulcea); Prof. Constantin C. Petolescu (Bucharest); Mihai Popescu (CNRS, Paris); Raluca Popescu (Muzeul Municipiului București, Bucharest); Tiberiu Potârniche (MINAC); Arch. Anișoara Sion (Bucharest); Gabriel Stoian (Bucharest); Valeriu Toma (Bucharest); Mihai Vasile (MNIR Bucharest); Dan Vasilescu (MINAC); Florica Zaharia (former Conservator in Charge of the Department of Textile Conservation, The Metropolitan Museum of Art). For the topographic measurements, we owe thanks to Mihai Florea (MNIR Bucharest); some of the draw‑ings have been made by Jeni Efimov (ICEM, Tulcea), Cătălina Petolescu (Bucharest) and Ingrid Petcu (MINAC).” (from Acknowledgments)
    65,00 LEI
    „Lately, the capital of Roman Dacia, Apulum, has become a Roman archaeological objective researched thoroughly by an impressive number of rescue excavations, which pointed out an important number of private complexes, either military or funerary. Within this context, reevalu‑ation of the whole heritage preserved in the collection of the museum was, and became a manda‑tory need to integrate discoveries and to present them appropriately to know those of funerary character, mainly.This archaeological monograph proposed by George Bounegru represents analysis of sampled funerary discoveries resulted from the northern necropolis from Apulum. The samples of 161 graves predominantly represent personal researches included in the doctoral thesis of the author, as well as more rescue excavations carried out by Gheorghe Anghel, Ioan Alexandru Aldea, Cloșca L. Băluță, Radu Ciobanu, Vasile Moga, Alexandru Popa within this necropolis. Archaeologists did us the courtesy of giving the archaeological material resulted from their own researches.” ( from Foreword)
    90,00 LEI

    „Ce second supplément des Inscriptiones Daciae Romanae représente, tout comme le premier, une préparation à la publication des fascicules du quatrième volume des IDR, contenant les inscriptions de Dacie Porolissensis. Il comprend la grande majorité des estampilles sur briques et tuiles du Musée National d’Histoire de Transylvanie de Cluj-Napoca. Malheureusement, pour des raisons techniques, nous n’avons pas eu accès aux pièces prêtées en 1971 au Musée National d’Histoire de Roumanie de Bucarest, lors de la constitution de celui-ci1. Au fil de plusieurs années Mme Viorica Rusu Bolindeț avait apporté dans le dépôt du musée des dizaines de tuiles estampillées du prétoire du consulaire d’Apulum, mais on n’a pas pu agréer aucune solution afin de citer son manuscrit. Du point de vue scientifique la perte n’est pas grande, car il s’agit de types bien connus, publiés dans IDR III/6. En revanche, nous remercions chaleureusement Mme Adriana Isac pour nous avoir permis d’utiliser toutes les pièces provenant du camp de Gilău, dont certaines inédites. Au début de 1997 des tuiles estampillées représentatives ont été envoyées au musée de Zalău en vue d’une exposition illustrant la vie militaire dans le nord de Dacie. Elles n’ont plus été restituées. Afin d’éviter des problèmes administratifs, on les a inclues dans le premier supplément, qui contient les inscriptions sur les briques et les tuiles du musée de Zalău. Le présent volume ne représente pas moins un catalogue du musée de Cluj.” (Prooemium)

    60,00 LEI

    „A rămas destul de puţin cunoscută evoluţia locuirii medievale timpurii din partea românească a Banatului, cu presupuse schimbări intervenite în decursul vremii, alături de eventuale tendinţe și aspecte specifice. În lipsa altor surse la îndemână, fără îndoială că noi contribuţii sunt de așteptat din partea arheologiei. În ultimele trei decenii, rolul decisiv a revenit săpăturilor preventive, într-o măsură sau alta fiind investigate și în acest spaţiu noi situri, din păcate cu rezultate doar semnalate, cazul celor mai multe dintre ele. Cel de la Giarmata–Baraj a fost identificat în anul 2011 pe traseul Autostrăzii Timișoara–Lugoj, urmând la scurt timp cercetarea arheologică preventivă, susţinută de un colectiv al Institutului de Arheologie și Istoria Artei al Academiei Române din Cluj-Napoca.” (din „Cuvânt-înainte”)

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