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  1. Autor: Corin Braga
  2. Autor: Cosmina Timoce-Mocanu
  3. Autor: Cristian Ioan Popa
  4. Autor: Ioan Oprea
  5. Autor: Radu Totoianu

Rezultate căutare pentru 'Ioan Oprea'

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    50,00 LEI
    Volumul de faţă cuprinde 1062 de scrisori, care, în intervalul 1930–1949, au circulat între Ion Muşlea şi respondenţii la chestionarele Arhivei de Folklor a Academiei Române. [...] Cu excepţia a douăsprezece scrisori, care au circulat între Ion Muşlea şi preotul profesor Victor Ioan Oprişu, publicate de Ioachim Lazăr, restul de o mie cincizeci sunt inedite, păstrate în cadrul Institutului „Arhiva de Folclor a Academiei Române”, în dosarele administrative ale primului director al Arhivei, sub eticheta „Ieşiri 1930–1948”.
    22,00 LEI


    Caius Dobrescu, Noir, Eastern Europe, and the Global Imaginary

    East European Noir – General and Particular

    Caius Dobrescu, Exploring/Inventing East-European Noir. An Attempt to Modelling Historical Transformation

    Doru Pop, The Socialist Boy Detectives and The Cold Wars of Childhood

    Katre Talviste, The Curious Case of Juhan Paju and a Fortunate Choice of Pop Lit over Poetry

    Primož Mlačnik, From Minor Literature to Neoliberal Noir: The Detective Novels of Sergej Verč

    Marcela Poučová, « Accepter et pardonner, c’est se réconcilier avec soi-même ». l’Histoire tchèque du XXe siècle vue par le roman policier

    Radu Toderici, Late Modernist Noirs: Béla Tarr’s Damnation/ Kárhozat and György Fehér’s Passion/ Szenvedély

    Gender & Noir

    Amalia Mărășescu, Female Detectives in Romanian Literature: Vitoria Lipan and Minerva Tutovan

    Roxana Eichel, Intersecting Inequalities in Romanian Crime Series Shadows (HBO). Expressions of Identity between Authenticity, Stereotypes and “Eastploitation”

    Andrada Fătu-Tutoveanu, Death Becomes Her. Implicit Religion, Relics, Myth-Making and the Witch Complex in Visual Representations of Women in Film Noir. A Case Study

    East Seen From the West

    Paul Bleton, Lu a l’Ouest, le crime de l’Est a du lest

    Ioana Andrea Diaconu, Creating and Destroying Prejudices. Romanian Characters in German Television Thrillers Beginning with the Millennium

    Sándor Kálai, Europa Blues (L’Europe de l’Est des romans policiers scandinaves)

    Noir sans frontiers: Beyond Genre and Geography

    Marius-Mircea Crișan & Carol Senf, The Mysteries of the Post-Communist Vampire: Detective Features in the Novel Nepotul lui Dracula by Alexandru Mușina

    Alex Văsieș, Narrative Devices in Motion: From Genre Fiction to Mainstream Fiction in Florin Chirculescu’s Prose

    Maria Barbu, Virtual Dystopias: Westworld and Technology’s Potential to Save or Enslave the World

    Carmen Borbély, Noir Affect in Lauren Beukes’s Zoo City

    Ruxandra Cesereanu, The Savage Detectivism of Roberto Bolaño’s Fiction

    Călina Părău, Residues and Presents in Contemporary Shrinking Temporalities

    Les imaginaires du féminin/masculin dans la littérature

    Najate Nerci, Introduction

    Corin Braga, The New Amazons: Second-Wave Feminist Dystopias Assunção Pesché Luísa, Les héroïnes (fatales) brésiliennes : archétypes et métamorphoses

    Gérard Peylet, Le masculin et le féminin dans le roman sandien : Vers un dépassement de la dualité

    Crina-Magdalena Zărnescu, Sous le masque du masculin ? Approche poétique du roman Mémoires d’Hadrien de Marguerite Yourcenar

    Souad Atoui-Labidi, Réinvention et détournement du féminin ou Schéhérazade au masculin dans ZABOR ou les psaumes de Kamel Daoud

    Eylül-Sabo-Andrada Yunusoglu, “The Harem Within”: The Complexity of Female Identity in Elif Shafak’s Black Milk

    Fatema-Ezzahra Taznout, Yasmine Chami, une écriture de l’intranquilité

    Hichem Ismaïl, L’antagonisme du féminin et du masculin dans Salammbô de Flaubert

    Laura T. Ilea, La littérature féminine en infrarouge. Au-delà du nihilisme


    Preț Normal: 150,00 LEI

    Special Price 130,00 LEI

    This book is the result of a project supported fnancially by the Local Council and Municipality of Alba Iulia, entitled „Alba Iulia – A History in Images of the City through Its Streets and Monuments”, which began in 2014. In this project, specialists from the 1Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia and the National Museum of Unifcation Alba Iulia made use of an exceptional collection of images that had yet to be sufficiently explored.

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