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  1. Autor: Alpár Dobos
  2. Autor: Cosmin Popa-Gorjanu
  3. Autor: Cristian Ioan Popa
  4. Autor: Ioan Bolovan
  5. Autor: Ioan Oprea
  6. Autor: Mihaela Munteanu Siserman

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    Preț Normal: 150,00 LEI

    Special Price 130,00 LEI

    This book is the result of a project supported fnancially by the Local Council and Municipality of Alba Iulia, entitled „Alba Iulia – A History in Images of the City through Its Streets and Monuments”, which began in 2014. In this project, specialists from the 1Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia and the National Museum of Unifcation Alba Iulia made use of an exceptional collection of images that had yet to be sufficiently explored.
    25,00 LEI

    "Mihaela Munteanu Siserman, maître de conférences à la Faculté des Lettres de Baia Mare, partie intégrante de l’Université Technique de Cluj-Napoca, depuis 2020 habilitée à diriger des thèses de doctorat en linguistique, est un esprit curieux, qui poursuit sans cesse de nouvelles découvertes, étant entièrement consacrée au travail dur et, en même temps fructueux, dans le domaine des sciences du langage.

    Ayant fini ses études universitaires à la Faculté des Lettres de Baia Mare, la spécialisation langue et littérature roumaines – langue et littérature françaises, l’auteure continue sa formation par des études en master en linguistique générale à l’Université « Babeş-Bolyai » de Cluj-Napoca (1998). (...)

    Le livre unit l’analyse et la synthèse des problèmes grammaticaux et s’évertue à éclairer de multiples facettes de la grammaire française, en laissant des traces sur l’âme et l’esprit des lecteurs et mettant en évidence la dynamique créatrice de la langue." (lect. univ. dr. Ioana Bud)

    85,00 LEI
    “Starting with the early 1970s Fântânele (Bistrița-Năsăud County) has been a well-known site in the archaeological literature referring to the Migration Period and Early Middle Ages in Transylvania. Although the excavations carried out on the hill called Dealul Popii or Dâmbul Popii by the research team lead by Ion Horaţiu Crişan have never been published exhaustively, the site was included in several synthesis works on the topic of the archaeological material from Transylvania belonging to the Migration Period, respectively to the 6th–7th centuries. The main goal of the present volume is to fill this gap by publishing all the known data regarding the mentioned discoveries based on the original documentation (written and drawn record) on one hand, and on the grave-goods identified with a few exceptions in the Institute of Archaeology and Art History, Cluj-Napoca, on the other hand.” (Foreword)

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