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  1. Autor: Alpár Dobos
  2. Autor: Călin Timoc
  3. Autor: Engel Pál
  4. Autor: Eugenia Beu-Dachin
  5. Autor: George Valentin Bounegru
  6. Autor: Ioan Oprea

Rezultate căutare pentru 'Ioan Oprea'

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    65,00 LEI
    „Lately, the capital of Roman Dacia, Apulum, has become a Roman archaeological objective researched thoroughly by an impressive number of rescue excavations, which pointed out an important number of private complexes, either military or funerary. Within this context, reevalu‑ation of the whole heritage preserved in the collection of the museum was, and became a manda‑tory need to integrate discoveries and to present them appropriately to know those of funerary character, mainly.This archaeological monograph proposed by George Bounegru represents analysis of sampled funerary discoveries resulted from the northern necropolis from Apulum. The samples of 161 graves predominantly represent personal researches included in the doctoral thesis of the author, as well as more rescue excavations carried out by Gheorghe Anghel, Ioan Alexandru Aldea, Cloșca L. Băluță, Radu Ciobanu, Vasile Moga, Alexandru Popa within this necropolis. Archaeologists did us the courtesy of giving the archaeological material resulted from their own researches.” ( from Foreword)
    45,00 LEI
    Autorul, decedat în urmă cu câţiva ani, a fost membru al Academiei Maghiare, şef de sector la Institutul de Istorie al aceleiaşi academii, profesor consultant la câteva universităţi din ţara vecină. La comanda unei edituri engleze, a redactat acest volum. La scurt timp, a fost publicat, în maghiară, iar acum se află în pregătire, a doua ediţie engleză. Este prima sinteză de acest tip, foarte modernă şi extrem de „rece”, din punct de vedere naţional, care se scrie după cel de-al Doilea Război Mondial. Istoriografia românească nu deţine încă o traducere de istorie a regatului medieval maghiar, cu toate că interesul pentru această istorie este superlativ, atât prin implicările din Transilvania, cât şi peste munţi, în Ţara Românească şi Moldova. Traducerea face oficiul de a transfera o întreagă terminologie instituţională care nu are sau are echivalări ambigue şi incorecte. Îngrijitorii de ediţie au produs o introducere biografică şi o apreciere asupra realizării, din punct de vedere al interesului românesc.
    85,00 LEI
    “Starting with the early 1970s Fântânele (Bistrița-Năsăud County) has been a well-known site in the archaeological literature referring to the Migration Period and Early Middle Ages in Transylvania. Although the excavations carried out on the hill called Dealul Popii or Dâmbul Popii by the research team lead by Ion Horaţiu Crişan have never been published exhaustively, the site was included in several synthesis works on the topic of the archaeological material from Transylvania belonging to the Migration Period, respectively to the 6th–7th centuries. The main goal of the present volume is to fill this gap by publishing all the known data regarding the mentioned discoveries based on the original documentation (written and drawn record) on one hand, and on the grave-goods identified with a few exceptions in the Institute of Archaeology and Art History, Cluj-Napoca, on the other hand.” (Foreword)

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