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  1. Autor: Alexandru Rațiu
  2. Autor: Alpár Dobos
  3. Autor: Dumitrița-Daniela Filip
  4. Autor: Horea Poenar
  5. Autor: Ioan Oprea
  6. Autor: Ioan-Ovidiu Abrudan

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    90,00 LEI
    „This volume was published within the framework of LIMES National Reserch Programe, sup‑ported by the Romanian Ministry of Culture and National Identity. Therefore we would like to thank our friends and colleagues Ovidiu Țentea and Felix Marcu for their support in publishing this work. Special thanks go to: Constantin Băjenaru (MINAC); Sebastian Corneanu (Lucian Blaga University in Sibiu); Mihai Duca (Bucharest); + Arch. Cătălin Georgescu (Bucharest); Iulia Iliescu (University of Bucharest); Marian Mocanu (ICEM, Tulcea); Andrei Opaiț (Toronto); Dorel Paraschiv (ICEM, Tulcea); Prof. Constantin C. Petolescu (Bucharest); Mihai Popescu (CNRS, Paris); Raluca Popescu (Muzeul Municipiului București, Bucharest); Tiberiu Potârniche (MINAC); Arch. Anișoara Sion (Bucharest); Gabriel Stoian (Bucharest); Valeriu Toma (Bucharest); Mihai Vasile (MNIR Bucharest); Dan Vasilescu (MINAC); Florica Zaharia (former Conservator in Charge of the Department of Textile Conservation, The Metropolitan Museum of Art). For the topographic measurements, we owe thanks to Mihai Florea (MNIR Bucharest); some of the draw‑ings have been made by Jeni Efimov (ICEM, Tulcea), Cătălina Petolescu (Bucharest) and Ingrid Petcu (MINAC).” (from Acknowledgments)



    Horea Poenar, A World to Win. But in Whose Image?

    I. The Challenge of Community

    Simon Harel, Face aux littératures des Premières Nations
    Florin Poenaru, We, the People!: Community, Populism and the Crisis of Political Representation
    Alex Cistelecan, Community Building in Post-historical Times
    Vladimir Borțun, The EU is Naked: The Progressive Clothes of a Capitalist Project
    Horea Poenar, Bad New World. The (Relative) Rebirth of the Commons
    Călina Părău, Community and Togetherness after the Non-sharable
    Alexandru Matei, De la métaphysique du « commun » au « comment vivre ensemble ». Jean-Luc Nancy et Roland Barthes sur la communauté
    Aura Poenar, Reconstructing Communities. In Spite of all Machinery of Disimagination
    Corin Braga, L’attaque contre l’individualité dans les antiutopies totalitaires modernes
    Diana I. Santiago, Slaves and Slavery in the 19th Century Puerto Rican Literature
    Laura T. Ilea, Inch’Allah : La honte et la « géographie de l’affect »
    Emmanuela Pustan, On the Artistic Propensity of Pathology: Georges Didi-Huberman and the Invention of Hysteria

    II. Communities at Work

    Ioan Pop-Curșeu, Can Art (Re)build a Community? The Roşia Montană Case, between Past and Future
    Ruxandra Cesereanu, Political Escapes from Prisons and Camps in the 20th Century – Antisystemic Mentalities
    Marius Lazăr, What Can Be Seen. Documenting the Transition Between Telling and Showing
    Carmen Borbély, Communities under Erasure in Seamus Deane’s Reading in the Dark
    Petronia Popa Petrar, Written Communities: Imagining Connection in Virginia Woolf’s Novels
    Alina Monica Toma, Dystopian Community in Lois Lowry’s Novel The Giver
    Amalia Cotoi, Mircea Nedelciu’s Community of Tratament fabulatoriu
    Rareș Moldovan, The State of Play: Geektopia in Ready Player One
    Doru Pop, Deterritorialized Cinema, Dislocated Spaces and Disembodied Characters in Bogdan Mirică’s Câini
    Mihaiela Ilea, Niche Structures in Television. Video Poetry – Visually Reading the Reality
    Răzvan Cîmpean, Kaleidoscopic History. Visually Representing Community in Tarkovsky’s The Mirror
    Cristina Popescu, The Woman as a Misfit in Michelangelo Antonioni’s Tetralogy
    Cristina Diamant, Stranger(s’) Voices at Home. The Many Faces of Cillian Murphy as the Misfit
    Iulia Rădac, The Posture of the Writer in a Teenager’s Book: Mircea Eliade’s Romanul Adolescentului Miop

    Book Reviews

    85,00 LEI
    “Starting with the early 1970s Fântânele (Bistrița-Năsăud County) has been a well-known site in the archaeological literature referring to the Migration Period and Early Middle Ages in Transylvania. Although the excavations carried out on the hill called Dealul Popii or Dâmbul Popii by the research team lead by Ion Horaţiu Crişan have never been published exhaustively, the site was included in several synthesis works on the topic of the archaeological material from Transylvania belonging to the Migration Period, respectively to the 6th–7th centuries. The main goal of the present volume is to fill this gap by publishing all the known data regarding the mentioned discoveries based on the original documentation (written and drawn record) on one hand, and on the grave-goods identified with a few exceptions in the Institute of Archaeology and Art History, Cluj-Napoca, on the other hand.” (Foreword)

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