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  1. Categorie: Domenii
  2. Autor: Adrian Tudurachi
  3. Autor: Cosmin Popa-Gorjanu
  4. Autor: Cristian Ioan Popa
  5. Autor: Ioan Oprea
  6. Autor: Ioana Bud

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    Preț Normal: 150,00 LEI

    Special Price 130,00 LEI

    This book is the result of a project supported fnancially by the Local Council and Municipality of Alba Iulia, entitled „Alba Iulia – A History in Images of the City through Its Streets and Monuments”, which began in 2014. In this project, specialists from the 1Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia and the National Museum of Unifcation Alba Iulia made use of an exceptional collection of images that had yet to be sufficiently explored.

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