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  1. Autor: Adrian Tudurachi
  2. Autor: Alpár Dobos
  3. Autor: Coriolan Horaţiu Opreanu
  4. Autor: Ioan Oprea
  5. Autor: Ioan-Ovidiu Abrudan
  6. Autor: Marian Mocanu

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    70,00 LEI

    „The frontiers of the Roman Empire, over 5000 km long, stretch from the Atlantic coast of Scotland, along the Rhine and the Danube, also enclose the Banat region and Transylvania, then going down along the Oriental Carpathians to the Black Sea; from the southern coast of the Black Sea they continue towards the Near East until the Red Sea; then, in North Africa, they line the edge of the Sahara desert until the Atlantic coast of Morocco. Over this entire area, visible traces of fortifications, roads and settlements are still preserved, but numerous monuments still lay hidden underneath the earth. Despite the fact that the Roman frontiers crossed regions with different relief and climate, they constitute a whole in that they were designed to protect Roman territories. The research of these monuments and the preservation policy regarding them was and is unequal in the various presentday states on whose territory traces of the Roman frontier are to be found. Consequently, in the ‘80s of the 20th century, the idea of globally protecting the Roman frontiers, viewed as a unitary monument, was met. In 1987, Hadrian’s Wall in United Kingdom was declared a UNESCO monument. It was followed in 2005 by the German-Raetian sector, on which occasion the UNESCO committee decided to set up the ‘Frontiers of the Roman Empire’ site. (...)

    This project through its complexity generated an interdisciplinary approach of the proposed subject stimulating such future attempts in the archaeological research field. By using the latest technical methods of non-destructive investigation the project did not damage the stratigraphy of the archaeological site obtaining instead a high amount of data otherwise time consuming judging from the archaeological excavations perspective contributing also to the preservation of the cultural heritage.” - Introduction

    85,00 LEI
    “Starting with the early 1970s Fântânele (Bistrița-Năsăud County) has been a well-known site in the archaeological literature referring to the Migration Period and Early Middle Ages in Transylvania. Although the excavations carried out on the hill called Dealul Popii or Dâmbul Popii by the research team lead by Ion Horaţiu Crişan have never been published exhaustively, the site was included in several synthesis works on the topic of the archaeological material from Transylvania belonging to the Migration Period, respectively to the 6th–7th centuries. The main goal of the present volume is to fill this gap by publishing all the known data regarding the mentioned discoveries based on the original documentation (written and drawn record) on one hand, and on the grave-goods identified with a few exceptions in the Institute of Archaeology and Art History, Cluj-Napoca, on the other hand.” (Foreword)



    Alexander Baumgarten, Le reste comme problème de la philosophie

    I. Figurer le reste

    Luigi Tassoni, La poetica delle somiglianze. Milo De Angelis dalle rovine del soggetto alle tracce del riconoscimento
    Corin Braga, Le centre structurel et ses restes
    Giovanni Rotiroti, Per una poetica e una politica dei resti a partire da Urmuz: il caso di Tristan Tzara, Eugène Ionesco, Paul Celan e Gherasim Luca
    Antonio Patraș, The Anecdote in The History of Romanian Literature from Its Origins to the Present
    Ligia Tudurachi, « Jouets », « boîtes », « reliques ». Fascination du petit chez Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu
    George Alexandru Condrache, The Residual Forms in Contemporary Central European Literature. Two Case Studies: Bohumil Hrabal and Ádám Bodor

    II. Le continent de la non-lecture

    Horea Poenar, Glitches of the Archive: On the Relation Between Memory and the Commons
    Catherine Gravet, Dépouiller des archives pour éditer des textes « résiduels » : le cas Alexis Curvers
    Florin Oprescu & Monica Oprescu, Mateiu Caragiale – Through the Leftovers’ Glass. From the Journal to Ephemerides
    Gabriela Glăvan, Communist Leftovers: The Forgotten Books of Gellu Naum
    Eugen Radu Wohl, Ion D. Sîrbu’s Anthumous Works as (Re)valuable Residues
    Levente T. Szabó, Dilettantism as a Moral Panic. Recovering a Forgotten Discourse of Hungarian Literary Modernization]
    Corina Croitoru, Le résidu du résidu : ombres de la poésie roumaine de guerre
    Roxana Patraș, When All That Rests Is Literature: Traces, Transcriptions and Remnants of Great Speeches
    Arina Neagu, Une autre approche sur les mémoires roumains de prison : le caractère résiduel de « l’indicible concentrationnaire »
    Barbara Miceli, How to Turn a Forgotten Figure of American History into a National and Gender Emblem: Joyce Carol Oates’s Treatment of Mary Jo Kopechne in Black Water

    III. Identités en marge

    Marie Vrinat-Nikolov, Les langues ignorées de l’espace littéraire bulgare
    Annalisa Cosentino, La boemia altrove
    Marius Popa, Le classicisme français dans la critique littéraire de la génération roumaine de 1848. Radiographies d’un « malentendu »
    Lavinia Sabou, The Travel Accounts We Don’t Write About. Eastern European Ways of Mapping the World
    Ruxandra Cesereanu, Societal Metabolism and “Excretion”: Towards a Typology of Marginals (The Fiction of Venedikt Yerofeyev, Alexander Zinoviev and Roberto Bolaño)

    IV. Survivances

    Monica Fekete, La rigenerazione del poema cavalleresco: da centro epico-narrativo a margine del moderno, da trionfo idealistico a spazio del romanzo contemporaneo
    Laura Marin, Survivances du neutre
    Márta Zabán, Residual Nationalism. The Nineteenth-Century Hungarian Folk Drama as a Reinterpretation of European Theatrical Nationalism. Pour une politique du résiduel en littérature
    Ioana Bot, Gli esordi dimenticati della stilistica: Leo Spitzer, censore dei soldati italiani nei campi di prigionia della Prima Guerra Mondiale
    Elena Crașovan, (Mis)readings of Contemporary Magical-Realist Fiction in the Context of Romania’s 2000 Literary Generation. The Case of Bogdan Popescu
    Adriana Stan, Monuments of Literature, Scraps of Criticism

    V. Entretiens: Ioana Bot, What’s Left? A Discussion on the Remains of Writing – and the Remains of Living – with Two European Authors

    120,00 LEI

    Lucrarea de față încearcă să surprindă imaginea referitoare la ceramica de masă descoperită în urma cercetărilor arheologice din ultimul secol întreprinse în siturile din epoca romană și romano-bizantină din spațiul vest-pontic. Afirmația că ceramica este principalul artefact rezultat în urma cercetărilor arheologice reprezintă deja un clișeu în literatura de specialitate, ce nu mai trebuie demonstrat. Într-adevăr numeroasele șantiere arheologice organizate în această regiune în ultimul secol au dus și la constituirea unui eșantion ceramic foarte bogat și diversificat. În acest context, de-a lungul timpului au fost publicate un număr substanțial de studii și chiar monografii ce prezintă descoperiri punctuale, efectuate în diverse situri, însă o lucrarea mai amplă care să se refere la întreaga regiune geografică nu a existat până în momentul de față.


    La baza acestei lucrări se află experiența de care m-am bucurat atât în calitate de student aflat în practică, cât și de angajat al Muzeului de Istorie și Arheologie din Tulcea, pe diferite șantiere ale epocii romane din nordul Dobrogei. Pe lângă experiența de teren, indispensabilă în descifrarea principiilor de bază ale studierii materialului arheologic, se adaugă și unele încercări concrete, materializate în câteva articole de mică amploare, în care am publicat diverse eșantioane ceramice inedite, descoperite în special la Ibida – Slava Rusă, Argamum, Halmyris, Aegyssus, Troesmis etc. (din „Introducere”)

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