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  1. Autor: Adrian Onofreiu
  2. Autor: Coriolan Horaţiu Opreanu
  3. Autor: Sorin Arhire

Rezultate căutare pentru 'Ioan Oprea'

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    Preț Normal: 150,00 LEI

    Special Price 130,00 LEI

    This book is the result of a project supported fnancially by the Local Council and Municipality of Alba Iulia, entitled „Alba Iulia – A History in Images of the City through Its Streets and Monuments”, which began in 2014. In this project, specialists from the 1Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia and the National Museum of Unifcation Alba Iulia made use of an exceptional collection of images that had yet to be sufficiently explored.
    70,00 LEI

    „The frontiers of the Roman Empire, over 5000 km long, stretch from the Atlantic coast of Scotland, along the Rhine and the Danube, also enclose the Banat region and Transylvania, then going down along the Oriental Carpathians to the Black Sea; from the southern coast of the Black Sea they continue towards the Near East until the Red Sea; then, in North Africa, they line the edge of the Sahara desert until the Atlantic coast of Morocco. Over this entire area, visible traces of fortifications, roads and settlements are still preserved, but numerous monuments still lay hidden underneath the earth. Despite the fact that the Roman frontiers crossed regions with different relief and climate, they constitute a whole in that they were designed to protect Roman territories. The research of these monuments and the preservation policy regarding them was and is unequal in the various presentday states on whose territory traces of the Roman frontier are to be found. Consequently, in the ‘80s of the 20th century, the idea of globally protecting the Roman frontiers, viewed as a unitary monument, was met. In 1987, Hadrian’s Wall in United Kingdom was declared a UNESCO monument. It was followed in 2005 by the German-Raetian sector, on which occasion the UNESCO committee decided to set up the ‘Frontiers of the Roman Empire’ site. (...)

    This project through its complexity generated an interdisciplinary approach of the proposed subject stimulating such future attempts in the archaeological research field. By using the latest technical methods of non-destructive investigation the project did not damage the stratigraphy of the archaeological site obtaining instead a high amount of data otherwise time consuming judging from the archaeological excavations perspective contributing also to the preservation of the cultural heritage.” - Introduction

    85,00 LEI
    “Starting with the early 1970s Fântânele (Bistrița-Năsăud County) has been a well-known site in the archaeological literature referring to the Migration Period and Early Middle Ages in Transylvania. Although the excavations carried out on the hill called Dealul Popii or Dâmbul Popii by the research team lead by Ion Horaţiu Crişan have never been published exhaustively, the site was included in several synthesis works on the topic of the archaeological material from Transylvania belonging to the Migration Period, respectively to the 6th–7th centuries. The main goal of the present volume is to fill this gap by publishing all the known data regarding the mentioned discoveries based on the original documentation (written and drawn record) on one hand, and on the grave-goods identified with a few exceptions in the Institute of Archaeology and Art History, Cluj-Napoca, on the other hand.” (Foreword)
    50,00 LEI
    „Una dintre consecinţele benefice în plan istoric ale Marii Uniri de la 1918 o reprezintă stimularea înfiinţării de instituţii de învăţământ, cultură ș.a. în teritoriile unite cu Țara. Transilvania a fost printre provinciile în care au luat fiinţă cele mai multe instituţii românești, între cele mai însemnate situânduse Universitatea Daciei Superioare la Cluj în anul 1919. Centenarul aniversării întemeierii universităţii românești a prilejuit publicarea unui număr mare de monografii și sinteze de autor, sau prin colaborarea mai multor specialiști, care par să fi epuizat cam tot ceea ce se putea scrie despre Alma Mater Napocensis (geneză, înfiinţare, evoluţie în timp etc.). În ciuda acestei literaturi știinţifice bogate recente dar și din deceniile trecute (menţionăm doar lucrările monumentale redactate de Vasile Pușcaș și volumele coordinate de Ioan-Aurel Pop, Simion Simon, Ioan Bolovan sau Ovidiu Ghitta) au rămas cu siguranţă subiecte încă neexplorate ori ce își așteaptă reluarea interpretativă, precum și aducerea în circuitul știinţific a unor surse inedited privind istoria universităţii, însemnări, documente și fotografii care sunt probabil răspândite în diverse arhive publice și private din ţară și străinătate. Tocmai de aceea, recuperarea și editarea critică a unor asemenea documente rămâne un obiectiv actual pentru cercetătorii interesaţi de istoria universităţii din capitala (neoficială) a Transilvaniei.” - Ioan Bolovan

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