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  1. Autor: Adrian Onofreiu
  2. Autor: Coriolan Horaţiu Opreanu
  3. Autor: Cosmin Popa-Gorjanu
  4. Autor: Engel Pál
  5. Autor: Ioan Oprea
  6. Autor: Otilia Urs
  7. Autor: Sorin-Cristian Ailincăi

Rezultate căutare pentru 'Ioan Oprea'

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    45,00 LEI
    Autorul, decedat în urmă cu câţiva ani, a fost membru al Academiei Maghiare, şef de sector la Institutul de Istorie al aceleiaşi academii, profesor consultant la câteva universităţi din ţara vecină. La comanda unei edituri engleze, a redactat acest volum. La scurt timp, a fost publicat, în maghiară, iar acum se află în pregătire, a doua ediţie engleză. Este prima sinteză de acest tip, foarte modernă şi extrem de „rece”, din punct de vedere naţional, care se scrie după cel de-al Doilea Război Mondial. Istoriografia românească nu deţine încă o traducere de istorie a regatului medieval maghiar, cu toate că interesul pentru această istorie este superlativ, atât prin implicările din Transilvania, cât şi peste munţi, în Ţara Românească şi Moldova. Traducerea face oficiul de a transfera o întreagă terminologie instituţională care nu are sau are echivalări ambigue şi incorecte. Îngrijitorii de ediţie au produs o introducere biografică şi o apreciere asupra realizării, din punct de vedere al interesului românesc.
    70,00 LEI

    „The frontiers of the Roman Empire, over 5000 km long, stretch from the Atlantic coast of Scotland, along the Rhine and the Danube, also enclose the Banat region and Transylvania, then going down along the Oriental Carpathians to the Black Sea; from the southern coast of the Black Sea they continue towards the Near East until the Red Sea; then, in North Africa, they line the edge of the Sahara desert until the Atlantic coast of Morocco. Over this entire area, visible traces of fortifications, roads and settlements are still preserved, but numerous monuments still lay hidden underneath the earth. Despite the fact that the Roman frontiers crossed regions with different relief and climate, they constitute a whole in that they were designed to protect Roman territories. The research of these monuments and the preservation policy regarding them was and is unequal in the various presentday states on whose territory traces of the Roman frontier are to be found. Consequently, in the ‘80s of the 20th century, the idea of globally protecting the Roman frontiers, viewed as a unitary monument, was met. In 1987, Hadrian’s Wall in United Kingdom was declared a UNESCO monument. It was followed in 2005 by the German-Raetian sector, on which occasion the UNESCO committee decided to set up the ‘Frontiers of the Roman Empire’ site. (...)

    This project through its complexity generated an interdisciplinary approach of the proposed subject stimulating such future attempts in the archaeological research field. By using the latest technical methods of non-destructive investigation the project did not damage the stratigraphy of the archaeological site obtaining instead a high amount of data otherwise time consuming judging from the archaeological excavations perspective contributing also to the preservation of the cultural heritage.” - Introduction

    85,00 LEI
    “Starting with the early 1970s Fântânele (Bistrița-Năsăud County) has been a well-known site in the archaeological literature referring to the Migration Period and Early Middle Ages in Transylvania. Although the excavations carried out on the hill called Dealul Popii or Dâmbul Popii by the research team lead by Ion Horaţiu Crişan have never been published exhaustively, the site was included in several synthesis works on the topic of the archaeological material from Transylvania belonging to the Migration Period, respectively to the 6th–7th centuries. The main goal of the present volume is to fill this gap by publishing all the known data regarding the mentioned discoveries based on the original documentation (written and drawn record) on one hand, and on the grave-goods identified with a few exceptions in the Institute of Archaeology and Art History, Cluj-Napoca, on the other hand.” (Foreword)
    90,00 LEI


    Lui Florin Topoleanu / Á Florin Topoleanu

    Crişan MUŞEŢEANU
    Florin Topoleanu la 65 de ani / Florin Topoleanu turns 65

    Maurizio BUORA
    Lo studio delle lucerne romane dell’etá tardorepubblicana e del primo-medio periodo imperiale nell’Italia Settentrionale

    Ştefan Viorel GEORGESCU
    Opaițe cu cioc triunghiular, flancat de volute, descoperite la Tomis
    Lamps with Triangular-Shaped Nozzle Flanked by Volutes from Tomis

    Deux types lampes tardo-antiques, decouvertes dans les fouilles de Novae

    Simona REGEP
    Consideraţii asupra unor lămpi romane descoperite în aşezarea civilă de la Tibiscum
    Considerations on a Few Roman Lamps Found in the Civil Settlement from Tibiscum

    Costin CROITORU
    Sur les lampes du type « Euctemon » decouvertes a Barbosi, dep. de Galaţi

    Opaiţe romane şi romano-bizantine de la Izvoarele (Sucidava), jud. Constanţa
    Roman and Early Byzantine Lamps from Izvoarele (Sucidava), Constanța County

    Ioan VASILIU
    Un opaiţ cu simbol creştin de la Dinogetia–Garvăn
    A Lamp with Christian Symbol from Dinogetia–Garvăn

    Radu PETCU, Ştefan V. GEORGESCU
    A Romano-Byzantine Bronze Oil Lamp with Christian Symbols Discovered at Capidava (Scythia Minor)

    Florin CURTA
    Observaţii cu privire la opaiţele de lut din Peninsula Balcanică în decursul secolului al VI-lea şi la începutul secolului al VII-lea
    Remarks on 6th to Early 7th Century Clay Lamps in the Balkans


    La ville de Callatis à l’époque hellénistique

    Jocuri şi jucători în Dacia
    Game and Gamers in Dacia

    Bernd PÄFFGEN, George NUŢU,
    in Zusammenarbeit mit: DANIEL ANTON, MARIO HÖLZL, Florian RINSER,

    Neue Prospektionsmethoden im Antiken Aegyssus

    Noviodunum – die Suche nach dem Hafen. Eine Alte Frage und Neue Forschungen unter Einsatz von Modernen Unterwasserarchäologischen Prospektionsmethoden

    Ştefan-Emilian GAMUREAC
    A Forlimpopoli Amphora Type at Noviodunum

    Ştefan HONCU, Aurel-Daniel STĂNICĂ
    Amfore romane şi romano-bizantine descoperite în villa rustica de la Capaclia, judeţul Tulcea
    Roman and Roman-Byzantine Amphorae Descovered at Villa Rustica from Capaclia, Tulcea County

    Martin AUER
    Municipium Claudium Aguntum – Kitchen Residues from the Atrium House

    George BOUNEGRU, Sorin COCIŞ
    Again on the Dalmatian Brooches from Dacia

    Ergün LAFLI, Maurizio BUORA
    Some Bizantyne Ceramics in the Museum of Bursa

    Cristian SCHUSTER
    Zur Wasserversorgung einer Frühmittelalterlichen
    Dridu-Siedlung im Unteren Argeş-Gebiet

    About the Crisis under Marcus Aurelius in Moesia Inferior

    Alexandru AVRAM
    Une stèle funéraire de byzance (?) de la collection Mihail C. Sutzu

    Octavian BOUNEGRU
    Aspects of the pottery industry in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt.
    Papyrological Sources

    Gabriel TALMAŢCHI
    Din nou despre activitatea monetăriei histriene în perioadă preromană
    Again about the Activity of the Histrian’s Mint in the Preroman Period

    Monede din secolele X-XIII descoperite la Isaccea–Noviodunum–Vicina. Campaniile 2003-2008
    Monnaies des Xe–XIIIe siècles trouvés à Isaccea–Noviodunum–Vicina. Les campagnes archéologiques 2003-2008

    Gheorghe ROMANESCU
    Ape curgătoare și izvoare sărate: etnomanagement și management actual în arealul Moldovei (bazinele hidrografice Siret și Prut)
    Flowing Waters and Salt Springs: Ethno-Management and Management in Effect in the Area of Moldavia (the Hydrographic Networks of Siret and Prut Rivers)

    Difuzarea modelelor plastice în zona Galaţi, secolele XVIII-XIX
    The Diffusion of Plastic Models in the Area of Galați, 18th-19th centuries.

    Stoica LASCU
    Modernizarea Dobrogei în cadrul Statului Român (1878-1916) şi reîntregirea ei în contextul reechilibrării teritoriale în sud-estul european (1913)
    The Modernization of Dobrudja within the Romanian State (1878-1916) and its Reintegration in the Context of Territorial Rebalancing in South-Eastern Europe (1913)



    Preț Normal: 150,00 LEI

    Special Price 130,00 LEI

    This book is the result of a project supported fnancially by the Local Council and Municipality of Alba Iulia, entitled „Alba Iulia – A History in Images of the City through Its Streets and Monuments”, which began in 2014. In this project, specialists from the 1Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia and the National Museum of Unifcation Alba Iulia made use of an exceptional collection of images that had yet to be sufficiently explored.

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